The IntrinsiQ™ token

The IntrinsiQ™ token begins the process of unleashing the exponential potential of mankind's inherent LifeEquity™. Every Quiddity CommonWealth member will have“ measured into existence” through their Productive Identity™ data, previously hidden financial resources that can be applied to grow themselves personally toward their optimum potential. lnstead of being “given” a handout such as UBI (universal basic income) by a governmental entity, people will be able to tap into their own LifeEquity resources to develop themselves.

LifeEquity™ Assets represent a wholly new asset class. A recent economic analysis commissioned by Korn Ferry and conducted by the Centre for Economics and Business Research determined that “human capital value” (LifeEquity) on a global scale was $1.215 quadrillion (September 2017). This value, while measurable, has not existed until now in any liquid representational form. The same study indicated that this value was 2.33 times as much as all global physical capital. Unlike UBI, no debt will be created, and no repayment will be required. Quiddity CommonWealth members can utilize the IntrinsiQ token to tap their inherent LifeEquity Value.

The Talent™ token


The Talent™ token can be utilized by individual members to represent their own unique LifeEquity™. While not something that every member is likely to undertake, this token can be life-changing for certain members with extraordinary value creation potential; athletes, artists, engineers, doctors, and anyone else with a highly visible and valuable Productive Identity™ who may be able to find a market for their personal Talent token. This token can “endow” the creative future of the person utilizing it. Resources raised by issuing the Talent token will be protected on behalf of investors by a “smart contract” that will only allow the money to be used by the token creator to create value that, when monetized is passed through the smart contract and sent back equitably to the owners of the personal Talent token.


Quiddity Services

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